Mapping Made Simple
Advanced mapping solutions combining intelligent map analysis, advanced labeling, mapchecker, custom reporting, and plan checking.
Whether your needs are for a single license, a site license, or
company-wide licenses, our licensing system makes it easy for you and
your IT departments. There is no need to install a licensing server
or any specialized licensing software, just install our application,
run it, and enter the license key - it's that easy.
Our licensing system limits the number of simultaneous
users of a license to the number of purchased licenses. For example,
if your company has 30 licenses of Pemulis Map Maker, any workstation
in your company using your license key can use Pemulis Map Maker,
however, once the 30th license has been issued, no additional
licenses are granted. As users unload Pemulis Map Maker, licenses
become available.
All of our applications come with a load/unload menu,
toolbar, and ribbon button to make freeing up a license easy. And
licenses are automatically freed when the parent CAD application is
Our default licenses are not tied to a specific
However, if you want we can tie a license to a specific
machine so that it can’t be used on any other computer. This may be
useful in some cases, but it means that if you later want to move the
license to a new machine you will have to contact us and pay a
nominal fee to move the license or change the license to be device
Please contact
us if you want to lock a license to a particular workstation,
otherwise we'll issue our default device-independent site license.